Upcoming Shows

January 28-Bailey theatre- Camrose 

tickets available here!






Past Notable Shows 


2020 March 6 Inspire Awards(Lead guitar, Leela Gilday) National Arts Centre, Ottawa

2020 February - The Flying Canoe Festival(Billie Zizi), Le Cite de Francophone, Edmonton 

2019 February 20-27 Via Rail artist on Board Edmonton-Toronto(Billie Zizi) 

2019 April 4-27 Western Canadian Tour, 19 dates(Billie Ziz with Band) 

2019 March 8-10 Snow King Festival, Yellowknife, NW(Billie Zizi) 

2019 June 21-23 North Country Fair, Drift Pile, AB(Billie Zizi) 

2019 June 20 The Works, Edmonton, AB(Billie Zizi) 

2018 April 18-May 4th Western Canadian Tour(Billie Zizi with band) 

2017 Sept 15 Break Out West(Billie Zizi) 

2016 March 18 Snowking Festival, Yellowknife, NWT(Billie Zizi) 

2016 July 20 South Country Fair(Billie Zizi) 

2016 June 27-30 Alianait Arts Festival, Iqaluit Nunavut(Billie Zizi)